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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  July 28, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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i'm hehere for- yoyour annual l eye exam.. because i'i'm having t trou- yoyour annual l eye exam.. rereading? yoyour annual l eye exam.. exactltly. they sort t of make meme fe. exactltly. lilike i'm thehe most fabubus ththing you'veve ever seene? exactltly. i'll take 'em. ♪ 7 daday old tunana casserole! hohow'd you knknow that?!! even my y nose is ststrong! hohow'd you knknow that?!! you need h hefty ultrara st! hohow'd you knknow that?!! it hasas arm & hamammer cocontinuous o odor contror! hefty! h hefty! heftfty! oh, anand uhhh.... tobyby needs a b bath! stay one s step ahead d of st. tonight, donald trump hitting the campaign trail after the new charges in the mar-a-lago documents investigation. mr. trump appearing with a dozen fellow gop presidential candidates in iowa. it comes a day after that superseding indictment was unsealed. the special counsel accusing mr. trump of telling a worker at his florida estate to delete security video
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as part of a cover-up. the former president slamming the new charges. if he's convicted, would he stay in the 2024 race? what he said about that today. plus, our one-on-one with governor ron desantis as he looks for a campaign reset. how he's responding to black republicans who blasted changes to florida's teaching on guidelines around slavery. just in, president biden for the first time publicly acknowledging the child his son hunter fathered out of wedlock as his grandchild. what he's saying tonight. under arrest, the alabama woman who admitted faking her own kidnapping. the charges she now faces. the hottest day of the year for millions in the midwest and northeast. nearly 150 million on alert. the frightening images, the ride spinning backwards, operators unable to stop it for minutes. what went wrong? and walmart of the future. how a.i. is changing the world's largest retailer. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news"
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with lester holt. good evening, and welcome. former president trump reacting with a string of insults to the new charges added against him in the mar-a-lago secret documents case decrying what he calls the horrible people he thinks are behind it. the special counsel in a sense doubled down on its document investigation now accusing mr. trump of being part of a scheme to delete security camera footage of the property contained on a video server. what the government describes as an attempt to obstruct the investigation, and prosecutors also adding a third defendant to the case, charging a maintenance supervisor, who they say told another mar-a-lago employee the boss wanted the server deleted. tonight the former president's defenders largely ignoring the elements of the case as they focus rage on the biden administration and the doj. garrett haake now with more on mr. trump's reaction. >> reporter: former president trump on the attack tonight against prosecutors and those
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three new federal charges against him. >> they're trying to intimidate people so that people go out and make up lies about me because i did nothing wrong. >> reporter: in the new charges, the special counsel alleging mr. trump sought a cover-up to conceal classified documents at his mar-a-lago home by deleting surveillance video, now charging a new defendant, mar-a-lago property manager carlos de oliveira with two obstruction counts and with making false statements to the fbi. in the indictment, prosecutors say on june 23rd last year, the day after the government subpoenaed surveillance video from his home, the former president spoke by phone with de oliveira for 24 minutes. the next day mr. trump's personal aide, walt nauta, who has also been charged, allegedly changed his travel to go to florida. on june 25th prosecutors say nauta and de oliveira looked at surveillance video in a mar-a-lago security booth and walked through a tunnel with flashlights pointing out cameras. two days later, de
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oliveira spoke with an i.t. staffer identified as employee 4, who told him the server retained camera footage for 45 days. de oliveira allegedly saying, the boss wanted the server deleted. the employee responded, he would not know how to do that and that he did not believe he would have the rights to do that. de oliveira allegedly insisting that that's what, quote, the boss wanted asking, what are we going to do? the indictment does not say if any footage was deleted. >> fine people, and i don't think they think that the tapes were even changed. these are my tapes that we gave to them. >> reporter: the new charges putting the republican front-runner in more legal jeopardy but so far each new indictment has been a political boost. >> i'm the only person ever got indicted who became more popular. because people understand it. they read it. they see it. >> reporter: the new indictment also charges mr. trump with possessing a top secret military document he has denied
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existed but is heard on an audio recording discussing with aides and journalists. >> it is, like, highly confidential. this is secret. >> reporter: mr. trump's allies leaping to his offense saying it comes one day after the controversial plea deal for president biden's son hunter collapsed under a judge's scrutiny. >> people are tired of these weaponized federal agencies and that if your last name is biden, you get to live by a different set of rules versus if your last name is trump, you get targeted by these agencies. >> mr. trump also saying a potential conviction would not end his campaign? >> reporter: that's right, lester, the former president making clear he is staying in this race no matter what, even making the fact he's under so many investigations a core part of his campaign message going forward. lester. >> garrett haake, thank you. let's bring in senior legal correspondent laura jarrett and chief justice contributor jonathan dienst. laura, let me start with you. we heard about trump employee number 4. what's the guess as to
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whether that person is cooperateing? >> i think it's a high likelihood, lester, and that's based off what's revealed in the new indictment. there are striking details the prosecutors would be unlikely to have otherwise, but a new additional defendant now opens the door to more opportunities for potential delays. prosecutors know this, and already we see the justice department telling the judge that the trial date set for next year shouldn't flip. >> we should see another indictment as soon as next week? >> yes, this is about mr. trump's actions leading up to january 6th, and today he posted he expects nothing to come out of that meeting between his lawyers and special counsel yesterday. defense attorneys for trump allies wonder if prosecutors will charge trump and trump alone as a start, or will others be indicted as soon as next week? several lawyers tell us so far, trump is the only one they know of who has received a target letter, so next week we again watch and wait for that grand jury on tuesday. >> jonathan and laura, thank you.
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and the former president shares the stage with florida governor ron desantis in iowa for the first time tonight, all as desantis is pushing back against criticism of a new curriculum on slavery. he just spoke to gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: tonight, governor ron desantis in iowa under fire. >> there's no silver lining in freedom -- in slavery. >> reporter: his gop rival, tim scott, the only black republican senator slamming the state of florida for adopting new public school standards that teach how slaves developed skills, which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit. it's a line of attack first launched by vice president harris. >> they want to replace history with lies. >> reporter: another black republican member of congress, florida's byron donalds, who endorsed former president trump has also criticized that portion of the new standard, but desantis argues that line has been taken out of context. >> i would also note some of those congressmen are
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putting out information that's totally false. you've got to be willing to stand up and fight back against false narratives, and that's what we do in florida every day. >> reporter: one of the scholars who helped develop the florida standards is also defending them. >> this curriculum is devoted to telling the truth, whereas kamala harris has retailed a lie. >> reporter: after laying off more than a third of its staff, the desantis campaign is trying to reset, holding more up close events with voters and their families. >> oh, what is that? >> an icee. >> an icee? robably a lot of sugar, huh? >> if we make it about the vision for the future, we're going to win, obviously with me as the nominee, you know, we're going to focus on biden's failures and our vision for the future. if donald trump is the nominee, it will be all those other issues. >> with all due respect, governor, you're down by 30 points. >> that says you. we've been in iowa. i'm the one showing up at all these places. we're signing up
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people day after day. >> reporter: here in iowa tonight the lincoln dinner will feature 13 gop presidential hopefuls, all except chris christie. lester. >> all right, gabe gutierrez, thank you. in alabama charges announced today russell, who admitted she made up the story about being kidnapped and seeing a child on a highway. russell is charged with two misdemeanors for falsely reporting those claim. she was arrested and freed on bond. she faces up to a year in jail and a $6,000 fine. now to the record-breaking heat. nearly 150 million under alert from coast to coast with many in the midwest and northeast experiencing their hottest days of the year. miguel almaguer now with more on what researchers are learning to combat the heat. >> reporter: tonight as the northeast swelters through its hottest days of the year -- >> i don't like this weather. >> reporter: -- the heat index in cities like new york, washington, d.c., and philadelphia have all soared into the triple digits. >> i feel like my skin is sticky. >> reporter: with july expected to become the
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hottest month in history, today 35 states and d.c. are under heat alerts. climate change helping to push temperatures up to 20 degrees above average. as phoenix approaches 30 days of temperatures at or above 110 degrees, maricopa county officials confirm at least 25 heat-related deaths so far this year with 249 still under investigation. this cooled homeless senior center, which also offers medical care, is saving lives. what kind of shape do you find some people in after they come in after a long day out in the heat? >> oh, dehydration. we got numbers coming in here with dehydration and had spasms and have gone into convulsions. >> reporter: nearby at arizona state university, researchers are using robots to better understand the impact of extreme temperatures on the human body. andy, this crash test dummy for heat, can sweat, breathe and move.
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>> you can see how quickly people heat up and see what type of interventions we could have done to decrease the heat stress. >> reporter: tonight, new research in the lab and a new reality outside of it. miguel almaguer, nbc news, phoenix. in new york, scary moments caught on camera at an amusement park. a ride spinning backwards out of control with riders trapped on board. nobody was hurt, but as emilie ikeda reports, the incident is raising serious safety questions. >> reporter: at first glance, this looks like a thrill seeker's paradise. >> it's stuck. >> reporter: but panic started to set in when the music express in rye, new york, wouldn't stop earlier this week. >> they're gotta pull the plug. >> reporter: pleading >> reporter: parkgoers pleading to pull the plug as it spun for an extra three to four minutes, the maintenance team ultimately shutting down power who blamed an electrical issue and reported no injuries. >> everybody was
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afraid. everybody, you know, was shocked. nobody knew what to do. >> reporter: the latest incident in a series of wrong turns at amusement parks and carnivals across the country leaving some on edge about the summertime staple. car row winds' tallest coaster straddling the north and south carolina border remains closed after a visitor discovered a frightening crack earlier this month. the support beam visibly shifts when the coaster comes through. >> i'm not an engineer but that's not good. >> reporter: that same weekend in wisconsin, roller coaster riders got stuck hanging upside down for three hours after a mechanical failure, and in a serious mishap in illinois, a 10-year-old boy landed in the hospital after he was flung from a carnival ride approximately 10 to 20 feet in the air according to a family member's gofundme post. >> obviously our biggest concern is to make sure something like this doesn't happen again. >> reporter: there are roughly 32,000 injuries from amusement rides annually but many experts maintain
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they are safe with hundreds of millions of people flocking to carnivals and parks every year. lester. >> emilie, thank you. in 60 seconds, what senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said today about his future after that scary moment this week. and d president t biden n acknowledgdges another grandchild for the first time. what he said next. would d comfort me. but now, they've bebecome aggreressiv. ththis mouth used to sing meme lullabieses. now, it't's unrecogngnizable. if your r loved one e with alzheimer'r's dementiaia hahas become a agitated, it's notot their fauault. they couould have agagitation in alzheimer's's dementia,a, which cacan cause bebehavior beyond theheir controlol. help your r loved one.e. learn momore at i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they cusustomize your c car insuranance soso you only y pay for whatat you need.d. you could d save $700 dolollars jujust by swititching. you could d save $700 dolollars ooooooh, let me e put a a reminder on my phonene. on the topop ofof the pile!e! oh. on the topop ofof the pile!e! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. libertrty. libertyty. ♪ only pay for what you need.
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sasalonpas lididocaine flel. a a super thinin, flexiblele h with m maximum sasalonpas lididocaine flel. otc strengngth lidocaiaine that contotours to thehe y sasalonpas lididocaine flel. to r relieve paiain right wherere it hurtsts. and didid we mentition, it rea, really s sticks? to r relieve paiain right wherere it hurtsts. sasalonpas, itit's good memedi. to r relieve paiain right wherere it hurtsts. two incidents with high-profile senators this week have put a new spotlight on the age of our top political leaders, already a contentious issue in the 2024 presidential race. here's peter alexander. >> reporter: for america's lawmakers, seniority has long meant power and prestige, but now it might also be a political liability. today the senate's longest serving leader republican mitch mcconnell's office says he intends to serve out his term days after he froze midsentence. mcconnell, a childhood polio survivor, has suffered a series of recent falls, cracking a rib, and suffering a
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concussion. >> better watch that those sandbags. >> reporter: but he joked about this week's episode hours later as republicans stand by him. >> mitch is strong. he's stubborn as a mule. >> reporter: he's not the oldest in office, 90-year-old dianne feinstein appeared confused during a committee meeting yesterday starting to give a speech when she was only supposed to vote on a bill. >> submitted -- >> just say aye. >> okay. >> reporter: feinstein's office later saying the situation was a little chaotic and that the senator was preoccupied. the 118th congress is the third oldest since 1789. president biden's age is already a key issue ahead of 2024, stumbling on steps, tripping over a sandbag adding to the scrutiny. the president's increasingly tried to defuse any criticism about his age. >> think about it. i know i'm 198 years old. [ laughter ] >> reporter: already america's oldest president to the end of a second term, joe biden will have just
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turned 86. the republican front-runner, donald trump, would be 82. a recent nbc news poll found more than two-thirds of all voters say they have concerns about the president having the necessary mental and physical health to serve. 55% say the samebout former president trump. >> when you look at how much a president ages in just four years, and they're already at that age, what does that leave us with? >> and, peter, we have some late breaking news regarding president biden's family. >> reporter: lester, that's right. for the first time tonight president biden is publicly acknowledging his 4-year-old granddaughter navy joan, the child of his son hunter biden and an arkansas woman out of wedlock. republicans have criticized the president for not acknowledging a seventh grandchild, but in a statement late tonight president biden says, it is not a political issue. it's a family matter. he adds, he and the first lady want what is best for all of their grandchildren including navy. lester. >> peter alexander,
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thank you. up next what happened when walmart embraced a.i. and what it might mean for employees for the retail giant and far yond. loss anand if you'r're taking a mumulti-vitamimin alone, you may bebe missing a criticalal piece.... preservisision. preservivision aredsds 2 contains t the only clclinicy preservivision aredsds 2 prproven nutririent formulua recocommended byby the nationalal eye instititute to help reduce ththe risk of f moderate nationalal eye instititute toto advanced d amd progreres. nationalal eye instititute preservivision is babackey 20 y years of clclinical stutu. nationalal eye instititute so ask y your doctoror abot adadding preseservision nationalal eye instititute and fillll in a missssing piecece of your r plan. nationalal eye instititute lilike i did w with preserervi. nationalal eye instititute now wiwith ocusorbrb bebetter absororbing nutririe. now wiwith ocusorbrb your shipppping manageger left t to “findnd themself”" leaving yoyou lost. you u need to hihire. i neneed indeed.d. indeed y you do. inindeed instatant match i insy deliversrs quality c candidats mamatching youour job descscri. visit [b[bones crackcking] ♪ (tetense music)c) ♪ onone aleve woworks all dady so i c can keep woworking my magic..
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just onene aleve. 12 hoursrs of unininterrupted pain r relief. aleve. who o do you takake it for?? i'm yoyour overlyy cocompetitive e brother. check.k. psych!h! and i'm m about to steal ththis game frfrom you psych!h! just l like i stolole kelly car inin high schohool. yoyou got no g game dude,, ththat's a fououl! and nonow you're r ready to settltle the scorore. game over.r. and if youou don't havavee right t home insururance cover, wewell, you cocould end upp papaying for a all this yoyour. and if youou don't havavee right t home insururance cover, so get a allstate, a and be br protected d from mayhehem, yeah, likeke me. thanksks, bro. take a lapap, rookie.. realal mature. take a lapap, rookie.. okay eveveryone, ourur missions compmplete balananced nutriti. totogether we e provide nunutrs to suppoport immune,e, musclele, bone, and hearart health.. yayaaay! woo o hoo! ensurere with 25 vitaminsns and minererals and d ensure comomplete with 30 grgrams of proteinin. ♪
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new doveve men bodywywash gigives you 24 hours o of nourishihing micrcromoisture.e. thatat means y your skin still fefeels healththy and smsmooth now..... now... ...and n now too. get healththier, smsmoother feeeeling skin n al. relapsing g ms isn't t the onlyly thing i h have going g. that's whyhy i take kekesimpt. it's t the only b-b-cell treatat fofor rms i cacan take at t e oncece a month.. kesimpmpta was proroven superr at rededucing ththe rate of f relapses actitive lesionsns and slowining disabilility progreression vs a aubagio. don'n't take k kesimpta if youou have hepapatitis b and tetell your dodoctor if you havave had it,, asas it could d come back.. kesimpmpta can cauause serios side e effects, includuding infectctions. while nono cases of f pml were repororted in rmsms clinicalal trials, it couould happen.n. tell y your doctoror if you hd oror plan to h have vaccinin, or if you u are or plalan toto become prpregnant. kekesimpta mayay cause a d dece in somome types ofof antibodi. the momost cocommon side e effects arae
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uppeper respiratatory tractt infefection, heaeadache, and d injection n reactions. ask yoyour doctor r about trtreating rmsms with kesimpt. back now with our series, "a.i. revolution," and in focus tonight, jobs, how they're performed, how they're changing, and the potential risks that a.i. poses to them. to find out, jake ward
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went to the nation's largest private employer. >> reporter: once upon a time jose avila had to have an incredible memory. when you started were you supposed to have memorized where everything is? >> yes. >> reporter: and great shoes. >> so i would have to actually take them to the items that they needed, so from one end of the store to the other. >> reporter: but today an a.i. powered app shows where everything is and needs to go. >> it's making my job much easier. >> reporter: walmart is already a cost-cutting machine, and yet the company wants to be even more streamlined. sanjay is in charge of making that happen. how can you possibly grow more efficient than you currently are? >> jake, that's where technology will play a key enabling role. we are transforming our supply chain and our store operations. >> reporter: and as we saw in this california superstore, a.i. is how they plan to do it. when trucks arrive to be offloaded, a.i. has already organized the pallets inside. it looks disorganized to me, but if i understand correctly, a.i. is telling you through the phone where everything is and where it should
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go. >> yes, we have to open up our camera and hold up our work device, and then it's going to tell us what boxes need to go out. >> reporter: sensors in every aisle spot things as small as a open, and even a.i. arranges the shelves. >> then we can learn and say, okay, does this do better than putting another brand or flavor in there? >> reporter: walmart is the nation's largest private employer, and what they decide to do when it comes to efficiency sets national standards, so when they decide to adopt a.i., it has implications for the whole country, and that, of course, raises a crucial question for workers. does a.i., do you think, forecast a world in which you won't need as many humans in the store? >> we view technology as helping our associates do a physically demanding job and high-skilled job roles, so over time we believe that
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we'll be about the same or more number of associates in the company. >> reporter: as a retail worker, can i sort of relax about my job in the future, do you think? >> no, i don't think that you can. >> reporter: experts say the number of jobs may remain the same, but people without the right skills won't get them. >> there are increasing frictions in the workplace such that it is harder for workers to transition from one job to a new job. >> reporter: avila, the store lead, says workers here are happier in the age of a.i. >> head count and our turnover is much better than two years ago. >> reporter: now we'll see how working in a world of low prices and high efficiency compares to shopping in one. jake ward, nbc news, gilroy, california. and up next, we'll remember the classic rocker whose soaring voice took it to the limit with the eagles next. ♪♪ you didndn't live ththis stro, this long g to get putut on thehe shelf
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lilike a porcecelain doll.. if youou have postmenopapausal osteoeoporos and are e at high ririsk for fracture,, yoyou can builild new boneneh evevenity®.. ask your d doctor if y you cao more thahan just slolowing dn bone lososs with evevenity®. wawant strongeger bones? then b build new b bone; evenityy® can n help in jujust 12 mont. evenityy® is provoven to redue spine fracture risk by 73%. evenitity® can i increase risf heart atattack, stroroke, oror death frorom a cacardiovasculular problem. dodo not take e evenity® if you have lowow blood calalcium, oror are allerergic to it.. seserious allelergic reactcts and low blblood calciuium haveve occurred.d. tell your doctor a about jaw bone proroblems, as t they have b been rereported witith evenityy. or a about pain n in your hi, groin,n, or thigh,h, as unusualal thigh bonone fractutures have o occurred. don't t let a brbreak puput you on a a shelf. talk t to your dococtor ababout buildiding new bone withth evenity®! yeah, everything's taken care of.f. -hey, jamimie. -oh, what t am i up tot?
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jujust visitining a spspecial secrcret client. i can'n't say who o it is, but lelet's just say she bunund her dream m house and her drdream car i can'n't say who o it is, but lelet's just say she bunund fofor round-ththe-clock prprotn with prorogressive.. ohoh. she hahas another r house in m . ohoh. she'e's been an n astronaut, anan architect, a a ceo. we're e in front o of her hou, dude. she'e's been an n astronaut, anan architect, a a ceo. i'd loveve to tell y you who her boboyfriend isi, bubut i don't t think i "k"k" i'd loveve to tell y yo, but i dodon't think k i -- "barbibie" in theaeaters. (geri) i smoked and i have copd. my chihildren are really worried. my tip is,s, send y your kids a a text. it may b be the lastst time that you d do. (a(announcer) ) you can ququ. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. (cat 1)) friskieses world! for free help, the pupurr-fect rereminder tha. life''s more f fun in the e dee. (cat 2)) yeah! soso never stotop explori. alwaysys keep it r real... (cat 1 1) and d do whatevever floats y r boboat - just likike we do. (vo) feed theheir fantasysy. ♪frisiskies♪ my active psoriaiatic arthris can make m me feel likike i'm m losing my y rhythm.
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finally, our tribute to randy meisner, who found his voice with the eagles, and died yesterday at age 77. he was best knknown for the songng that became a rock 'n'n' roll anthem. here's joeoe fryer. >> good d evening. we're the eagles. >> reporter:r: it's been half a centuryry since the eagles beganan to soarar. ♪ running dowown the road ♪ > reporter: whilele their famous frontman glenn frey -- ♪ you got your demons ♪
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>> reporter: -- and don henley soaked up much of the fame, one song thrust their famously shy co-founder into the spotlight. ♪ and take it to the limit ♪ >> reporter: "take it to the limit" was the vehicle that showcased bassist randy meisner's striking vocal range. ♪ one more time ♪ ♪ take i it to the limit ♪ >> my "take it to o the limit" wasas to keep trying before e you reach a point in your life where you feel, you know, you've done everything and seen everything. >> reporter: meisner reached his limit in 1977 quitting the band -- ♪ welcome to the hotel california ♪ >> reporter: -- shortly after they recorded one of their biggest hits, "hotel california." ♪ such a lovely place, such a lovely place ♪ ♪ there's plenty of room at the hotel california ♪ >> reporter: meisner briefly reunited with the group in 1998 when they were inducted into the rock & roll hall of fame. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> reporter: in a statement, the eagles
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said, randy was an integral part and instrumental in the early success of the band. recently it was announced the current iteration of the eagles, which includes henley, would soon embark on a good-bye tour giving fans a chance to celebrate the group and honor meisner one more time. ♪ one more time ♪ >> reporter: joe fryer, nbc news. ♪ take it to the limit ♪ and that's "nightly news" for this friday. thank you for watching, everyone. i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night. ♪♪ other. good night. ♪♪
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finally here. taylor swift's concert in the bay area begins in just hours. nbc bay area sky ranger over levi stadium where the gates just opened up to all the fans. good afternoon. i'm audrey asistio. welcome to nbc bay area news at


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